Hello everyone, I am Frank Zhang, the architect of ZStack. Today I am happy to announce that ZStack v1.3 is released.

New Features And Enhancements

Installation And Upgrade

1. Supporting Both Virtual Size And Actual Size For Images And Volumes

ZStack uses thin-provisioning when creating VM volumes; a volume or image has two sizes, a virtual size indicating the max capacity and a actual size indicating the capacity allocated. In previous version, users can only see the actual size of a image and the virtual size of a volume. In this version, virtual size and actual size are all supported for images and volumes.

For volumes, a new API SyncVolumeSize is added for users to get the volume's actual size at runtime.

>>>SyncVolumeSize uuid=e9fc82e23cd14d8aa33d1304cb1f5f87

2. CPU over-provisioning

In this version, a confusing term cpu speed is removed from the VM instance and the instance offering. The VCPU usage is only counted by the VCPU number. Users can specify the over-provisioning ratio of VCPU by a global configuration.

>>>UpdateGlobalConfig category=host name=cpu.overProvisioning.ratio value=20

The default VCPU over-provisioning ratio is 10, which means one physical core(from Linux perspective) can be allocated as 10 VCPUs.

3. Specifying the target host or cluster when starting a VM

In this version, users can specify the target host or cluster when starting a stopped VM.

>>>StartVmInstance uuid=554d67a78c40475cbe4e8e0cdf6adc44 hostUuid=c2025197915944acaf0435c0c1a44f96


>>>StartVmInstance uuid=554d67a78c40475cbe4e8e0cdf6adc44 clusterUuid==c2025197915944acaf0435c0c1a44f96

This only works if the primary storage is network shared storage, for example, NFS. For local storage that volumes are allocated on hosts' disk, a VM cannot start on any other hosts other than the one which its root volume is on.

4. Specifying static IP when attaching a L3 network

In this version, users can specify a static IP when attaching a L3 network to a VM.

 >>>AttachL3NetworkToVm l3NetworkUuid=23e15a6acc80431fa0f1763ab45ae144 vmInstanceUuid=b7ba300853974189b7adc90f2c25e00b staticIp=

5. Specifying SSH port when adding KVM hosts or SFTP backup storage

In this version, users can specify the SSH port that is used by Ansible when adding a KVM host or a SFTP backup storage.

6. Log collection tool

In this version, a tool archiving various logs is added for users reporting bugs to ZStack community. The tool is implemented as a zstack-ctl command and is easy to use.

6. Supporting fusionstor as primary and backup storage

In this version, HuaYunWangJi's commercial storage system fusionstor is supported as primary storage and backup storage. It works just like Ceph, users can add it through ZStack's UI easily;

7. Installation

You can install the 1.3 release by:

    wget http://download.zstack.org/releases/1.3/1.3.0/zstack-installer-1.3.0.bin
    bash zstack-installer-1.3.0.bin -R aliyun

8. Upgrade

You can upgrade your previous ZStack to 1.3 by:

    wget http://download.zstack.org/releases/1.3/1.3.0/zstack-installer-1.3.0.bin
    bash zstack-installer-1.3.0.bin -u